I had a fun time at the Arts Factory during the Eastside Culture Crawl! What made it great was that I had lots of new studio mates who moved into the building and participated in the Crawl ...
Eastside Culture Crawl 2016: New Artists at the Arts Factory

It's about one year since I've been at my studio at the Arts Factory. I have been a little apprehensive that I decided to forgo doing any art exhibits this year but in the end ...
Hot Talks Eastside Culture Crawl

Several years ago I stumbled across artist Siobhan Humston's work online and have been following her work ever since. I was fortunate to meet Siobhan recently and she graciously allowed me to ...
Studio Visit with artist Siobhan Humston

This year is my first time participating in the Eastside Culture Crawl instead of visiting other artists. I wasn't sure what to expect but it was better than I had ever hoped! We all completely ...