Eastside Culture Crawl at the Arts Factory
This year is my first time participating in the Eastside Culture Crawl instead of visiting other artists. I wasn’t sure what to expect but it was better than I had ever hoped! We all completely transformed our studio spaces and the weather couldn’t have been better for the Crawlers. I’m glad for all the wonderful people I met and the great conversations exchanged. That includes my all my studio mates! It came down to the 11th hour as we all scrambled to get everything done in time but it all fell into place.
It’s only been a few months but I’m feeling very much at home in my new studio. What I really enjoy is the diversity of artists working in different disciplines that I get to be alongside with. Also, with no walls there is great potential for collaboration and also less fear of missing out (FOMO) on what’s going on around you! If you missed visiting my building called the Arts Factory, you can check out the artists below. Plus you have another chance to visit at our upcoming Holiday Open Studio Dec 5th from 11am to 3pm where most of us will be a part of.
- Antony Rolland www.desanromei.com
- Laleh Javaheri www.etsy.com/shop/TERMEFELT
- Eric Neighbour http://klorker.com/eric_index.html
- Catherine Tableau www.catherinetableau.com
- Megan Majewski (Dead Kittie) www.deadkittie.com
- Natasha Vukovic http://www.natashavukovic.com/
- Richard Heikkila-Sawan www.rhsimagine.ca
- Kat McPhee www.katmcpheegallery.com
- Sophie Spiridonoff www.sophiespiridonoff.com
- Chantal Cardinal (Felt a la main with LOVE) www.chantitreats.com/Artist-s-Corner.html
- Arts Factory group at 2015 Culture Crawl Photo credit: Eric Neighbour