Thanks to my my friend and studio mate Tristesse Seeliger, she created this great 25 minute video about my work and process. I have included her description from her YouTube ...
Video: Artist Interview with Tristesse Seeliger
It has been an incredible past few weeks since the opening of my exhibition A Handmade Night at Ian Tan Gallery. My heart was so full seeing friends from my personal life, from my work and my ...
Vancouver Exhibition: A Handmade Night
I'm excited that I will running some new workshops with Opus over the next two months! They are built on a combination of experiments and exercises that I've learned on my own which have helped ...
Expressive Collage & Drawing Workshop
I'm noticing that I'm looking into my own work to mine for new paintings and collages. In a previous post, I shared the process behind my mini collages on paper. I created four new paintings on paper ...
Mining My Own Work – Paintings & Collages
Since the beginning of the year, it's been a challenge to get in large blocks of time at the studio as I have had to work longer hours in my day job. So nowadays I've been trying to squeeze in ...