Art Show Opening- Art Rental Collection

Art Rental Show 2014 PosterI’m excited that 2 of my paintings, which are pictured below, were chosen to be in the Art Rental Program at Cityscape Community Art Space in North Vancouver. You will have a chance to rent out my work for you home or office on a monthly basis. Rental prices range from $10 to $50 per month. If you do decide on purchasing a painting, up to 3 months of fees can be deducted from the total price.

There are over 100 artists in the art rental program and you can come out meet the artists including myself at the opening reception on January 9th from 7-9pm.

You can also visit the Art Rental Salon at CityScape Community Art Space which is open to the public during regular gallery hours, Monday to Saturday from 12-5pm. Rentals can be made all year long as they are available.


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